April 2018 | Digital8

Why Should I Use Photos And Videos On My Website?

A lot of people fall into the trap of thinking that good quality, relevant videos and photography are a just “nice to have” or an optional extra for a website.

They’re not. They shouldn’t be optional.

It’s easy to assume that textual content is the be-all and end-all of the website content game. Because everyone knows that written content is what Google reads to index to rank your site against competition. So, yes, of course written content is important. But even if your SEO is unsurpassably good and you’re ranking number 1 for everything you’ve ever dreamed of – it’s still a human customer who is landing on your page. And despite massive investments into artificial intelligence research in recent years, the human psychology of purchasing behaviour is still considerably more complex than Google’s crawler bot.

There is actually an old statistic floating around the internet that states that humans process information in images 60,000 times faster than words. Yeah, that’s not necessarily true, but there is some legitimate research which reinforces the significance of visual content.

The most important factor is that visual content is typically more ambiguous. A picture may not tell a thousand words as the old saying suggests, but it can certainly tell more words than you can realistically fit onto a hero slider on a website before it looks like you don’t care about presentation whatsoever. 

One great quality image of a product can convey;
– An aesthetically pleasing design,
– Use of quality materials,
– Descriptive factors such as size and colour,
– Variations in product and much more.

Presenting all of this information in a list view, would not only look horrible, but it also creates the issue of information importance; “should we put ‘made from premium grade titanium’ first, or ‘sleek, modern and unique design”. A quality image or video allows users to select the information that is important to them, rather than having it dictated to them. Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that information which is deduced by by one’s own self is more powerful and likely to influence buying decisions than information which is presented by a third party, particularly third parties who want their money.

Secondly, we live in an age of fast paced information consumption and those first couple of seconds a user is exposed to your website is critical for your conversion process. 

To illustrate our point, think back to the last time you used a marketplace service such as carsales or gumtree. If you had an option between a result with a photo or one without, you will almost always go for the one with the photo. Within the span of less than a second your brain will make the following logical jumps;
Why doesn’t that listing have a photo? Maybe it’s in poor condition?
Even if it’s in good condition, I have to potentially gamble and waste time by asking for photos or going out and seeing it.
Oh wait, there is an almost identical listing and I can see what it looks like, great. *click*

The simple fact is, your customers have options, and lots of them. Typical search engine information seeking behaviour is that when a user will google a broad key phrase, in our case, a lot of people will type things like “SEO Brisbane” or “Web Design Brisbane” – you may have done the same at one point to be reading this article.

The typical next step is to open the first 3-5 results in browser tabs and then go through a process of very quick elimination to get it down to 2 based on nothing but the feeling that the landing page gives them. Once they have 2 options, this is when the deeper investigation occurs and people actually start reading information such as service descriptions, about us, portfolio items and testimonials. This searching behaviour is the primary reason why your website needs to grab people as soon as they land – so as you get shortlisted for long enough for people to actually read what you put in the effort to put on your website to get it ranking so well.

Unless, of course, if your product/service is so unique or niche that you have no competition. But if that’s the case, then it is even more important to have visual content because otherwise there is no way that potential customers will know what to expect – what do they have to compare it to?

But it’s not just enough to have any old images, either. Your images are a large component of website design, not seperate to it. And nothing ruins a nice website design more than a photo that looks like it’s been taken with a potato. Your images and video content needs to be high quality, that means; no pixelation or blurriness and taken by a professional with a real camera – not Greg from accounts on his Nokia phone camera. Don’t forget consistency, either. There is no point having an amazing hero banner photo, but all your product images are trash. People will question the legitimacy of your website in those instances.

Stock photography can be a good solution for people with low budgets, but it is important to make sure you are choosing the right images. Just be wary to NEVER steal images. Just because it’s in Google images without a watermark, does not mean it’s free to use. Stock image providers such as Getty Images are notorious for their hardline approach to people using their imagery without correct licensing, with first offence fines easily exceeding $5,000, which are completely legal and enforceable by Australian court systems. If in doubt, don’t use it. 

Digital8 is a web design, development and digital marketing company and as such we don’t specifically offer photography of videography as a service. We do, however, have a diverse network of trusted professionals which we can refer you on to based on your budget and requirements.  So if you’d like to have a chat about how Digital8 can help create a new website with a focus on visual content, give us a call or send us an email today. 

Inbound Marketing Is Not Overrated

Inbound and outbound. Push and pull. Traditional and digital. No matter what you call it, inbound marketing is worth investing your time and efforts in.

Essentially, Inbound Marketing (a concept oh so geniously created by HubSpot) is the method of attracting customers using digital resources like social media marketing, email marketing, search engine optimisation, branding and content marketing – the latter being the absolute most important.

To fully understand how inbound marketing works its magic, one must understand the importance of the following 3 points.

1. Research Your Buyer Personas

So let’s get this out of the way first: Buyer Personas are not the same as your target audience. However, that does not mean that your buyer persona cannot be used as a target audience. Basically, a buyer persona is a ‘typical’ buyer. Consumers’ habits, interests, challenges and traits creates the profile. By tracking these different aspects, and adjusting along the way, will be possible to set up a persona. Keep in mind to base the personas on the research and tracking, rather than basing them on your own assumptions.

There is no place for bias when it comes to selecting your personas. You don’t want to be marketing to a person that only exists in your own perception.

It is important to understand that your personas will never be exactly the same as your customers. They will allow you to understand what type of people you are dealing with. It includes their lifestyle, their contact preferences, and maybe most importantly, the way and tone they like to communicate in. All these different things help you understand who you’re selling or marketing to. Moreover, it helps to understand how you should be selling to them.

2. Understand the Buyer’s Journey

Once you know who you are marketing to, it is imperative you understand when you are doing it. Your customer will certainly go through several phases before ultimately choosing to buy your products or services. When considering the processes that individuals go through on a personal level, according to the KAB methodology, these processes are split into three different elements: knowledge, attitude and behaviour. So if you aim to influence an individual, it is essential to understand how to utilise these three elements.

In inbound marketing, those elements have been transformed into three buyer’s journey stages: awareness, consideration and decision. So let me explain how these connect to the KAB method. In the awareness stage, buyers realise they have a problem but are unsure what it is exactly. This is where you help them form an idea about where the issues they’re experiencing may be coming from. Keep in mind you are not directly selling your products and services yet at this point.

After buyers realise there is a problem, they will start looking for specific information on what they are experiencing. This means they have entered into the consideration stage. At this point you present them with possible solutions. Once again, you are not yet selling or marketing your products or services directly. The main thing you want to ensure is that the buyer perceive you are trustworthy and capable. Basically, you are ensuring that the buyer’s attitude towards your company, products, or services becomes positive.

The last stage the buyer will enrol in is the decision stage. This is where they actually take the action to buy a product or service, whether it is yours or not. In this stage, you will want to influence the buyer’s behaviour. Behaviour = Action. The buyer is deciding on which solution is best fit for their problem, and who they want to solve it. So make sure they pick you. And yes, this is where you start marketing and selling your products or services directly.

3. Create Marketing That People Love

Inbound Marketing focuses on marketing to people when they’re ready to be marketed to. Content that fits their wants and needs at that time. The sales funnel models that we are all familiar with – you know, the one that shows us how many customers can or should be gathered from the total number of leads.

In the Inbound Marketing methodology, this sales funnel has been adjusted to fit the process and goals of Inbound Marketing. The methodology employs four phases: Attract, Convert, Close and Delight. Basically, these are the steps you undertake when selling a product or service to a potential buyer.

First you attract the client, and subsequently convince them that your company, products or services is/are the best choice. If you’ve been successful in doing so, you close the deal. Make sure your customer remains happy. This can ultimately transform a customer into a promoter. The latter is something that is often forgotten, but is by no means unimportant.

With the continuous and fast advances of this time, it is easy to forget that the main form of communication is still word-of-mouth. Even though this might not occur through traditional channels. According to this notion, promoters are your strongest asset. Happy customers make for great promoters of your company and brand, providing you with new potential customers.

Okay so, say we combine this methodology with the previously discussed buyer’s journey: will this help us? Yes. Yes it will. If we combine both the buyer’s journey (aka the phases a buyer goes through) and the inbound marketing methodology (aka the phases the company goes through), we create an overview of the communication process between both sender and receiver.

Now that we know at what stages both sender and receiver – or company and buyer – seem to align, we can tailor our content in such a way that it is both something the sender wants to tell and something the receiver wants to hear. Which – in all honesty – is exactly what marketers have been aiming to do for a very long time.

Great, what now?

Well, just start implementing SEO measures and social media marketing to make sure your personas become aware, implement call-to-actions to transform them into leads, provide them with case-studies to convince them of your expertise as a company, or send them personalised emails to nurture the relationship. Read into your personas and address them in a way that they would like to be addressed. Explore what a typical day in their live would look like and publish your content at times that seem most convenient to them.

There are infinite ways to present and distribute your content ideas, or to implement digital marketing methods that ensure your potential buyer turn into a brand promoter.

Just remember, if you communicate with your buyers in a way that seems natural to them, they will lose the feeling of ‘sales’ and will choose your company when a problem arises.

7 Things Your Customer Wants To See On Your Website

When creating a website, it is easy to lose focus of what really matters: the experience of your customers. You’re most likely creating a website for their benefit – and not just for the sake of it. So why then, is it so easy to forget about your customer and what it is exactly that they would like to see? You don’t want to be spending loads of money on SEO efforts to get organic search traffics, only for a customer to land on a fully unstructured and useless webpage. This blogpost will help you understand what things your customer will expect, want or find interesting, when it comes to your website design.

Digital Marketing Brisbane Blogpost Computer WWW.

1. Easy Navigation

Website navigation is crucial to the customer experience, but is more commonly noticed when it is particularly bad. Which is the very last thing you want to happen, as it doesn’t only affect the way your company is perceived, but it can also be enough to drive someone away – or leave them clicking through pages that are of no interest to them. When it comes to website navigation, set it up in such a way that it is easy to understand, and it’ll never get a mention; which is exactly what you want.

2. Clear Call to Action

Every website is created for a specific purpose. Whether you website is built to inform, sell, or gather enquiries, it is imperative you make sure that your customer will know where to click – without having to look very hard. If a visitor has difficulty finding their purpose on your website, there only one valid explanation: you’re doing it wrong!

3. A Clean, Functional Layout

A few weeks ago, we published the Guide to Designing State of the Art Websites in 2018. While it’s very important to consider the elements mentioned in this guide, it is also important to remember that less is more. The very last thing your customer will want to see when visiting your website, is an absolute mess of content and imagery. After all, humans are creatures of habit and will always lean towards the liking of structure and clarity.

Keep your design clean and modern, allowing for a clear journey through your website for potential and returning customers.

4. Photo/Video Hero Banner

The first thing your customer will see when landing on your website, is your hero banner. A good hero image or video is what can distinguish you from your competitors – as it leaves a first impression. Get it wrong, and the customer is gone. Get it right, and you could be on your way to a quick conversion with many happy returns.

What’s important here is that you don’t want to overdo it, though. Don’t waste the space on unnecessary imagery. If you have a video showing off your products/services, or some professionally taken photos that really sum up what your business is all about, this is their ideal new home. Add a short and sweet sentence of what sets you apart, along with a call to action, and there’s a clear path for the visitor to start on.

5. Contact Form

If your website relies on a user providing you with information, whether it be simple details that make it possible for you to get back to them, or several fields outlining the service they require and the best times to make an appointment – you don’t want to put people off by asking for too much personal information. By navigating through your website and the contact page, the visitor is almost ready to hand over their details and take things to the next step. If they land on the page and see a huge form that’s going to take more than a minute to complete, you’re risking losing them forever. A clean form with only a few compulsory fields, ideally 3-5, is perfectly acceptable and shouldn’t offend anyone looking to do business with you.

Tip: Don’t do multi-step forms unless you absolutely have to or it is the norm for your industry – if someone fills out a page only to get to another set of questions, they’re most likely going to get impatient very quickly.

6. Blog

If you are an expert in your industry, why not share your knowledge with your customer base? Not every site needs a news or blog section, however if you do offer an up to date archive of relevant and interesting content, it will go a long way to impressing potential and existing customers, as well as offering a large range of SEO benefits. After all, it’s simply good marketing to present yourself as a leader within your field.

People write blogs with the best intentions, however it is worth seriously considering how much time you will be able to put towards yours. If you aren’t able to add new content at least every week or two, your page will be very at risk of looking stale. Nobody wants to revisit a blog page to see the same five articles from two years ago. If you are prepared to put some time aside to write a few blog posts on a regular schedule, that’s fantastic. If you don’t have the time or would rather put your energy elsewhere, that is fine too, and it is worth coming to this conclusion before anyone stumbles across a graveyard of old content!

7. Social Media Integration

Most businesses are on social media(link to social media these days; whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or LinkedIn. If you offer a service or product that people are interested in, it is worth growing your fan base in a social media environment. This will ensure that you can keep people informed and interested in your brand, and adds another way of keeping in touch with your clients.

It’s not imperative to have links to your social media on your website, but if it is something that you do keep up to date, be sure to make it available to site visitors. You never know, they may be keen to follow all that you do without the hassle of effective website design. For social media, see above regarding blogs; if you don’t have time, maybe consider other options before plugging it to your clients, but if you do have the time and ability to manage your socials, it is an extra avenue of possibility that won’t go amiss with your target audience.


Just make sure these features are apparent on your website and you’ll find that it’ll help you along in the process of creating a good website.

Australian Not-For-Profit Technology Awards 2018 Finalists

The Australian NFP Technology Awards highlight the most technologically innovative organisations and individuals in the Australian non-profit sector. This year’s awards will be held in the Hilton Hotel in Brisbane’s CBD, on Thursday 3 May.

Australian Not-For-Profit Technology Awards 2018

The finalists for this year’s awards have been announced… and the Best Social Media Campaign finalists have definitely caught our eye!

# Best Social Media Campaign of the Year

The three finalists for the best social media campaign are Odd Socks Day by Grow, Nine for November by the National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, and MAF Australia Fuel for Father’s Day by Candence media. We were especially enthused by the campaigns for Fuel for Fathers Day and Odd Socks Day, so we believe they deserve a little extra spotlight.

The MAF Australia Fuel for Fathers Day campaign, by Candence Media

MAF Australia (Mission Aviation Fellowship) is an organisation bringing help, hope and healing to some of the most isolated communities in the world, and does so via – yes you’ve guessed it – aircraft. The Fuel for Fathers Day campaign provided people with the incentive to donate fuel for their Fathers day present, and help the community.


Fuel for Fathers Day MAF Australia Campaign


The Odd Socks Day campaign, by Grow

Grow is a nationwide support community for mental wellness programs. Their annual Odd Sock Day is meant to create awareness for mental health – and show that every once in a while, everyone has one of those ‘odd days’.

Odd Socks Day 6 October 2017 Grow


The remaining categories and corresponding finalists are…

# Technology Volunteer of the Year

–        Mark Zuvela, for his efforts with Fremantle Sea Rescue

–        Justin Ware, for his efforts with C3 Church Carlingford

# Not-for-Profit Technology Lifetime Service Award

–        Lois Shuttleworth, for her efforts with Hear and Say

–        Sue Miers, for her efforts with the National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

# Technology Innovator of the Year

–        Paul Curran, for his efforts with The Song Room

–        Jenny Ward, for her efforts with Women’s Health Victoria

–        Christine Bolt, for her efforts with Dementia Australia

# Using Technology to Connect to the Community – Best Small to Medium Enterprise

–        Douglas Mann, for his efforts with Keeping Culture Pty Ltd

–        Catherine Ross, for her efforts with i=Change

# Best Digital Storytelling by an Indigenous Australian

–        Dean Foley, for his efforts with Barayamal

–        Heather Bush, for her efforts with HelpingMinds

–        Penny Smith, for her efforts with Karungkarni Art and Culture Aboriginal Corporation


For more information and tickets to the award ceremony, check the Connecting Up Conference 2018 website.

Digital8’s Process For Successful Delivery

We understand that building a new website for your business is a big decision. It is also one that you don’t want to get wrong. At Digital8, we do everything we can to ensure that your web development experience is a positive one, from the initial scoping meeting all the way through to the launch of your shiny new sit. We feel it’s important that we let our clients know we aren’t messing about and we work on a structured basis.



1. Enquiry and proposal

At the initial enquiry and proposal stage, we aim to get a complete understanding of what your business represents, and what message needs to be conveyed to your customers. This will allow us to plan the customer journey through your website, and provide a fair assessment of the time required to complete the job.

2. Plan ins and outs

After signing on to work with Digital8, and project start date will be booked in, and we will invite you to sit down with your account manager and our web developer to plan the ins and outs of the website (if required).

3. Building phase

Your account manager will be in regular contact during the build stage, and once our development team have things ready for review, your temporary “staging” website will be shared with you. We ask for feedback on the staging site so that changes can be made prior to launch. We find that it is always easier to implement changes during this time, rather than affecting a live site that your customers are visiting.

4. SEO

Once the new site has been finalised, we complete a range of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) tasks for your new pages. This covers page titles, keywords, backlinks, and optimising content to include relevant phrases and words. All of this takes time, but without it your site will struggle to rank on Google. We find that these extra few hours make all of the difference when it comes to future site traffic, and if you want to succeed it is worth spending the time to do it properly! This is particularly important when we are building a new website to replace an old one. Updating old links to point to new pages is an important process that helps to avoid any negative reactions from search engines once your new site is up and running. If you want to know if you can rank first on Google (and how to do so), ask us about our SEO services today.

5. Site Launch

Upon site launch you will be given a run through on using your CMS to do the most common tasks, such as adding blog posts, pages, and content. We don’t want to lock you out of anything, and definitely don’t demand that you come back to us for small changes. We would like to think that a positive experience will bring you back to us for big projects in the future!


Now that you know how we work, we also feel it’s important that you know what we can do. Our dedicated team understands that every business is different, and so is each page. By talking to us, or by completing a website brief template, we can assist with determining which CMS will work best for your website.

Oh and if you’re wondering what this might cost you, go read our ‘How Much Should I Spend On A Website’ blog.

How Much Should I Spend On A Website For My Business?

In a time where your website represents as much about your business as your shopfront does, i’s more important than ever before to make the most of your online presence. 

In an article published by HubSpot, it was noted that 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive and 39% of users will leave the site if it is slow or unresponsive.

In terms of what you can expect from a modern website, most of these crucial factors will be covered and banished to memory, until you come across another website that hasn’t been updated for the past decade. 

There’s nothing worse than Googling a service, finding a promising result, then landing upon the classic “website coming soon” page, or worse still, one with date stamps from years ago and no sign that the business still exists.

So you’ve decided the time has come to build a website that will take your business into the modern era. If it’s been a while or you haven’t gone through the process of building a website before, or perhaps you have grand plans to build a website your industry has never seen the likes of before, there’s one question that will be at the front of your mind: 

How much should I spend on a website for my business?

First things first – before getting a price on your new website, you’ll need to decide what CMS (Content Management System) fits your business

If you’ve decided against the gruelling task of building the website yourself (let’s be honest, who has the time to do that?), your next step is to find someone who can. There’s a heap of options, including freelance web developers, digital agencies, outsourcing the work overseas or even making a role for someone to come on board in your business. 

All of these options have their own benefits, skill sets, quality of work, and most importantly, their own price tags.

Depending on your website goals and requirements, here are some ideas of what you can expect to pay for a website when using a digital agency.

Ecommerce Website

Small Business


For a basic business website with Home, About, Services, Blog and Contact pages, you’re looking at around $8,000 for a WordPress site build. This cost will include page design, a responsive layout that works well on desktops, tablets and mobile, and a user-friendly experience. 

Any extras, such as complicated calculators, bulk article import, content writing or heaps of additional pages will obviously add to the cost. These features often double the initial cost of the project.

$5,000 – $15,000


If you want to sell products online but don’t have a huge budget, WordPress is still a fantastic eCommerce platform that is a great place to start. 

Most web-savvy people find that they are able to set up a WooCommerce store with relative ease, thanks to their easy-to-use interface and user guides. 

The issue with taking on this task yourself is, once again, time. There’s an enormous time difference between setting up two pages with three products and building a store with two hundred products, a custom theme, with payment gateways and postage calculators all configured. 

If this is all too much to take on but you want to make your products available for sale online, a WordPress WooCommerce build will cost you between $5,000 and $8,000. 

As with any website build, it’s important to complete a website brief and disclose any website plans upfront. This will help avoid additional costs or possible delays with your site launch.

$5,000 – $15,000

Medium Business


If you’ve moved on from needing a small-scale website to something a bit bigger with extra functionality and security, look no further than Drupal

There’s a reason most government sites are built on this CMS. It isn’t as simple and user-friendly as WordPress, however, once you know the ins and outs there’s no looking back. 

Drupal can handle much more advanced requirements and allows you to build a stylish, functional and completely custom website for your business.



If you’re doing more than just listing a few products for online sale, and you need physical Point of Sale options, stock management, warehousing/multiple locations, payment gateway integrations, postage calculators and want to list external sales channels such as eBay or Amazon, Neto is the perfect solution. 

Neto offers this range of features out of the box, however, the configuration time and customisation of your store will take significant development time

The biggest benefit when choosing Neto as your eCommerce solution is that it’s capable of handling your business growth and expansion, meaning you won’t need to switch platforms when you open another location or ramp up your online sales!


Enterprise Website

Large Business


For large businesses, we would recommend building your project on Drupal. These websites will have specific web standards to adhere to and also offer advanced functionality for a large-scale project. 

The difference between a medium and large-sized project will come down to the functionality requirements and the amount of pages/content/data that is present on the site.



As per the medium business recommendation, Neto is the preferred eCommerce platform for large stores. For sites featuring thousands of products, with cross-platform integration and custom modules built, a large Neto store can handle it. 

With security and reliability in mind, there will be few other eCommerce options out there that can deliver the same speed and customer experience as Neto. You should be able to comfortably run most aspects of your business within the Neto environment, something that other eCommerce providers are unable to match.



So now that you know how much different web projects can cost, reach out to our web designers and developers to get started!